Having tea parties...
Her growing imagination...
I watched her walk around the family room, holding her toy phone in one hand, the other hand in her pocket and saying "oh, hi mimi, what's up?"... too cute
Her growing independence -on this day I let her make her own PB&J
I'm sure you can guess where most of the peanut butter and jelly ended up!
It may have been a mess, but I love letting her try new activities!
Building forts... (this is a favorite of Lucy's, especially on days we are trapped indoors)
Crazy nap hair...
Playing dress up... Lucy has gotten more picky about what she wants to wear lately, this sometimes leads to hodge podge outfits, but I don't mind. I'm definitely a mom that is going to choose her battles, and clothing is not something I am going to fight Lucy on! I actually helped influence this one - I just couldn't resist pulling out her birthday tu-tu for a little dress up time!
Diaper butt...
(hoping to be getting rid of these soon, we've been doing a lot of reading up on potty training lately, and getting Lucy excited about the potty, so hopefully we'll have more to share on that soon)
She loves reading, and I really do mean LOVES... we probably spend a good portion of our day reading books.
Her need to accessorize! Lucy loves putting on hats and head bands and gloves (although they only stay on for a short time). In the below picture I asked if she wanted to go out and get the mail with me - we had to put on her hat, gloves, and back pack before heading out. I couldn't resist grabbing a picture.
And we didn't change out her shoes, she decided to wear the new Dora slippers we got her. She loves wearing these around the house.
That's just a peak into our daily lives around here. I didn't get pictures of this, but Lucy is also loving playing hide and seek, chasing after each other, dancing and listening to music (as always), coloring and painting, taking care of her baby dolls, and helping me in the kitchen.
I'm almost caught up on my blog - we've been having so much fun around here, I've been trying to capture all the memories (while also not letting the camera get in the way of the fun!).
looks like fun! that's great that she loves reading, she's going to be smart like her mommy! (although she look just like her dad in the picture of her talking on the phone. i think it's the hand in her pocket?)