Wednesday, November 10, 2010

On the Road Again - Blacksburg

We just returned from a 3 day trip in Virginia to visit Katy. Erin, Kristy and I made the 8-hr drive last Wednesday night - great for Lucy so she could sleep the whole way, not so great for the adults who stayed up most of the drive only to get 2-3 more hours of sleep upon arrival. Lucy did great most of the drive there and on the way back, reaffirming my stance that we will only travel 4+ hours if it is in the middle of the night. She fussed every once in a while, but luckily it was never more than a couple minutes.

I was a little apprehensive about going on vacation again because we were on a 2 week streak of amazing sleep in our home (rarely having tears when laying down for bed, and only one night time waking at 5am to eat) and I did not want to ruin this schedule! Fortunately, Lucy slept amazing while we stayed with the Miller's and besides being pretty fussy our first Monday back, has seemed to ease back in to her great sleeping schedule already (praise the Lord!)

We had a blast- saw Katy's school, where she works, drove through the hills of Blacksburg, saw where Dirty Dancing was filmed, ate at some amazing local restaurants and best of all laid around, watched friends and read gossip magazines... absolutely perfect. Katy also made us some amazing meals and was the perfect hostess! Again, Lucy went with the flow through all these plans and stayed flexible... she even stayed up till 9:30 one night, dancing the night away with Uncle Bbop:

A few other highlights from our trip:

Out on the town with all the girls:

Beautiful mountains! Beautiful girls :)

Snuggling with Aunt Katy in my adorable pea coat (a gift from Aunt Katy)!

Having fun with the camera by the New River...

When we drove to see where Dirty Dancing was filmed, it was snowing on top of the mountain! Lucy got all bundled up... (this is my favorite picture!)

We tucked the baby bjorn under my fleece for extra warmth!


  1. looks fun! how cool to see where dirty dancing was filmed. the mountains look so so pretty too. i like the picture of the four girls with the mountains in the background. where was ben?

  2. Look at your girls looking so "Kappa" in the mountains with your headbands! Love it! And of course, Lucy is so adorable all bundled!!!
