Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ikea Visit!

After my Chicago girls weekend a couple weeks ago, Ben and I headed over to Cincinnati for the day to meet up with our good friends the Kruithof's, who were in town from Grand Cayman, and to make a quick stop at Ikea for a couple baby boy items.

It was so nice to see the Kruithof's, even if it was just for a couple hours - we miss them a lot!

After lunch, we headed over to Ikea and Lucy fell asleep in the car - we were hoping she would transition into the stroller and sleep a little while we shopped, but no such luck, she popped right up when I picked her up. All in all she did great, she loved shopping and trying out all of the home items. Although sometimes Ben and I were ready to move on and she wanted to stay and play with the furniture...

As you can tell from below, she knows who is boss!

We didn't get a ton of stuff, I was a little disappointed with the amount of time we spent there given that we ended up only getting a few items I had already staked out online... next time we'll know not to get sucked into walking through the entire store! The best item was a new cube book shelf for baby boys room - I'm excited to get this set up and get his room pulled together (more to come on that).

Last stop - the cafeteria. We couldn't leave without at least getting some french fries!

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