So - I finally ran out of space on this blog... I'm guessing something that snuck up on me because of all the large, nice photos I've been uploading since we got our good camera. Anyway, not sure how long this will last, but I created a new blog to try to start fresh and hopefully keep memories online for free for a longer time.
Still need to make the blog look "pretty", but for now I need to at least get caught up on all the fun things we've been doing this past month!
For those following via email - I'll get an email sign up on the new blog soon!
Here's the new address:
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Pumpkin pictures
For the past two years, I have taken a picture of Lucy next to her age carved in a pumpkin. The tradition continues, although I almost forgot this year!
This year, since Lucy was not in to carving her pumpkin, I taped each kids age on the pumpkin and then we painted over it. Hank's zero didn't turn out great because I picked a bad spot on the pumpkin, but oh well... you still get the idea.
We took these pictures almost two weeks after Halloween.... I meant to do it on Halloween while they were in costume, but we were too busy running around so I figured having them in other Halloween stuff would work too!
And here is a series of Lucy "through the years". Her first year we did ".5" because "0" seemed weird, but looking back, I wish we would have just done "0" because now .5 seems weird... whatever...
And these last couple pictures I took before going outside that day, so I thought I'd include here. Just love Hank's eyes in these shots!
Hank 11 Months
This past month brought lots of new, fun changes. I almost feel like Hank has become more aware of what's going on and understands how to "play" more. For example, we went in to get Lucy after a nap one day and Hank grabbed one of her pacis and proceeded to taunt her with it. Reaching out and offering it to her and then pulling it away as soon as she would reach out to grab it. It was pretty cute. He also has started to drop things into boxes and shake his head no when he doesn't want something. I don't think I've noticed any new words this month, but I'm guessing he was pretty focused on mastering the most exciting skill this month... walking! He's finally getting pretty good at walking and has started to prefer that mode of transportation over crawling.
He continues to be a big cuddler and prefers when I'm sitting down playing with him or holding him. Every once in a while he'll find something interesting (or dirty, or dangerous) enough to distract so I can cook dinner or clean dishes, but typically he wants his mommy's full attention... I guess I can't blame him!
Things other people notice about him - his old mad hair line, or soft bald head. How big he smiles and how friendly he is to other people. How easy going and laid back he is. What a bruiser he is, climbing and falling all the time and not crying much about it. And that he sucks his thumb and cuddles a ton. Whenever people see him sucking his thumb, which seems to be a lot lately, they always comment about it saying that they think it's "soooo cute" but then precede to tell me what a battle it was for their child (or someone they know) to give up thumb sucking and how long it took for it to go away.... so I'm not really sure what to think about that.

In terms of eating and sleeping, he has pretty much stayed the same. He is still going strong with two naps and slept pretty well for the most part this month, typically taking two 1.5hr naps. Some days he would sleep shorter than that and be cranky, but he would usually make up for it with a longer second naps. He has been doing great at night too, sleeping typically from 7/7:30pm - 7/7:30am. He still nurses 4 times a day although his middle of the day feedings seem to be really short so I've been offering him whole milk with lunch and dinner to over compensate. I also want to start getting him interested in regular milk because I'll probably start the weaning process within the next month or so.

He can sometimes be a picky eater but I've been trying to stand my ground and remind myself that he won't starve himself to death. For example, I made pot roast one night (which is so fatty and delicious and good) and he would only eat the potatoes, not the meat or the carrots. Or I'll offer him a meal I've mad for dinner and he won't eat it and then when I try again the next day for lunch, he eats a ton of it! Not sure if he just isn't that hungry, or is wanting to just start exert some control, but hopefully this is just a phase!
Here's a short video. Hank has been doing this little "dance" move with his hands whenever he gets excited. This night he kept climbing on top of the kids table, rolling his hands while squealing and then jumping to dad. It was so funny.
He continues to be a big cuddler and prefers when I'm sitting down playing with him or holding him. Every once in a while he'll find something interesting (or dirty, or dangerous) enough to distract so I can cook dinner or clean dishes, but typically he wants his mommy's full attention... I guess I can't blame him!
Things other people notice about him - his old mad hair line, or soft bald head. How big he smiles and how friendly he is to other people. How easy going and laid back he is. What a bruiser he is, climbing and falling all the time and not crying much about it. And that he sucks his thumb and cuddles a ton. Whenever people see him sucking his thumb, which seems to be a lot lately, they always comment about it saying that they think it's "soooo cute" but then precede to tell me what a battle it was for their child (or someone they know) to give up thumb sucking and how long it took for it to go away.... so I'm not really sure what to think about that.
In terms of eating and sleeping, he has pretty much stayed the same. He is still going strong with two naps and slept pretty well for the most part this month, typically taking two 1.5hr naps. Some days he would sleep shorter than that and be cranky, but he would usually make up for it with a longer second naps. He has been doing great at night too, sleeping typically from 7/7:30pm - 7/7:30am. He still nurses 4 times a day although his middle of the day feedings seem to be really short so I've been offering him whole milk with lunch and dinner to over compensate. I also want to start getting him interested in regular milk because I'll probably start the weaning process within the next month or so.
He can sometimes be a picky eater but I've been trying to stand my ground and remind myself that he won't starve himself to death. For example, I made pot roast one night (which is so fatty and delicious and good) and he would only eat the potatoes, not the meat or the carrots. Or I'll offer him a meal I've mad for dinner and he won't eat it and then when I try again the next day for lunch, he eats a ton of it! Not sure if he just isn't that hungry, or is wanting to just start exert some control, but hopefully this is just a phase!
Here's a short video. Hank has been doing this little "dance" move with his hands whenever he gets excited. This night he kept climbing on top of the kids table, rolling his hands while squealing and then jumping to dad. It was so funny.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Halloween 2012
I didn't have as much fun Halloween stuff planned as I'd wanted (eating rice and beans for a week not only put things in perspective but also zapped my energy) but I did get creative with our pancakes on Halloween morning!
After naps we were off to Mimi's to trick or treat! My little flower and puppy dog...
Two busy bodies make pictures really hard to capture these days...
Lucy was having a blast despite the cold, but this little puppy dog was pretty sleepy towards the end...
After 10 houses at Mimi's, we headed over to see Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Matt, Uncle Nick and Uncle Ross (who was in town) for another 10 houses. Lucy loved it! And I loved that she was totally content with only going to a handful of houses at each grandparents.
Thankful on Tuesday
I think these pictures are from a few weeks ago. But, I figure I'm still thankful for these things... so I'm still going to post!
A few weeks back Ben took a day off work and we went to the Children's Museum. I'm so thankful for Ben and the fact that he loves being with our family as much as I do. We had a great time playing together!
A fun Halloween week! More pictures to come on this, but we had lots of fun dressing up, doing Halloween crafts, eating Halloween food and trick or treating!
Pig tails. Enough said.
Our church's hunger challenge. My friend Heather just posted about this and does a great job explaining all the details, but the challenge that most moved me was to eat rice and beans for a week. I think something like 28% of the world's population eat rice and beans as their only meal, one time per day. We were challenged to not only eat similarly for a week (although we were "allowed" to eat it three times per day) but also to donate any money we saved from our grocery budget for that week. This was tough. I mean really tough. I was constantly hungry, constantly tired, and so sick of rice and beans after the first day - but so eye opening. I'm not sure what it looks like for me to begin to change the way things are in this world, but I do know that no one should have to go hungry in a world where most people, especially most americans have way more than they need. I also realized two other major things: 1. I complain (whether outloud or in my head) about a lot of stupid, pointless stuff. When you are hungry, you don't care about anything besides when your next meal is coming. I challenged Ben (and myself) to just say "rice and beans" to me whenever I start to complain or whine about something. I hope I never forget how trivial most of my problems are given that three billion people are starving. 2. I need to be more thankful for EVERYTHING. Even the ability, energy, capacity to work out. Something I would normally complain about doing, I realized is actually a major gift. I have enough food/provisions in my life to go leisurely burn off calories/energy. Three billion people barely have enough calories to survive. Wow.
A few weeks back Ben took a day off work and we went to the Children's Museum. I'm so thankful for Ben and the fact that he loves being with our family as much as I do. We had a great time playing together!
Pig tails. Enough said.
Our church's hunger challenge. My friend Heather just posted about this and does a great job explaining all the details, but the challenge that most moved me was to eat rice and beans for a week. I think something like 28% of the world's population eat rice and beans as their only meal, one time per day. We were challenged to not only eat similarly for a week (although we were "allowed" to eat it three times per day) but also to donate any money we saved from our grocery budget for that week. This was tough. I mean really tough. I was constantly hungry, constantly tired, and so sick of rice and beans after the first day - but so eye opening. I'm not sure what it looks like for me to begin to change the way things are in this world, but I do know that no one should have to go hungry in a world where most people, especially most americans have way more than they need. I also realized two other major things: 1. I complain (whether outloud or in my head) about a lot of stupid, pointless stuff. When you are hungry, you don't care about anything besides when your next meal is coming. I challenged Ben (and myself) to just say "rice and beans" to me whenever I start to complain or whine about something. I hope I never forget how trivial most of my problems are given that three billion people are starving. 2. I need to be more thankful for EVERYTHING. Even the ability, energy, capacity to work out. Something I would normally complain about doing, I realized is actually a major gift. I have enough food/provisions in my life to go leisurely burn off calories/energy. Three billion people barely have enough calories to survive. Wow.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Last week I was watching him walk and counting his steps and I got up to 11, so I decided even if I couldn't grab it on video that was still a decent enough amount to say that he is walking. He has walked further than that by now, but his average is typically more like 5 steps in a row and then fall. And he still crawls a lot. I'm guessing it will be a few more weeks before he is a pro, but last week is what I'm calling the official start.
Here are a few videos. As you can see, I didn't grab any long stretches. Ben and I have probably taken 50 videos of him taking 2-3 steps at a time, hoping to grab one of the longer stretches. Apparently Hank just doesn't want to show off.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Pumpkin Patch
We went to Spencer Farms two weekends ago with Jadyn, Jordyn and my Mom. The kids had a great time and we got pumpkins and cider to bring home too!
We attempted to have Jadyn carry Hank in the Baby Bjorn.... that didn't last long, but it was pretty cute to see.
Believe it or not these are the best group shots we could get of the kids... nobody was up for posing at this point.
This made for our third year in a row visiting Spencer Farms. Hopefully we can continue to make this a fall tradition for many years to come!
We attempted to have Jadyn carry Hank in the Baby Bjorn.... that didn't last long, but it was pretty cute to see.
Believe it or not these are the best group shots we could get of the kids... nobody was up for posing at this point.
This made for our third year in a row visiting Spencer Farms. Hopefully we can continue to make this a fall tradition for many years to come!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Hank 10 Months
I'm a little late getting this post up, and I'm scrambling to do it today because Hank keeps doing new things and I don't want to get my months mixed up!

New this month - Hank started standing on his own really well, going from sitting to standing with no support, and took 2-3 steps at a time (all ending in a crash landing unless there was something for him to grab on to). I wouldn't officially say that he is walking (although yesterday he took 5 steps in a row) but he is almost there!
I couldn't get a good shot of him standing with no hands, but I chose this one because it also highlights his sweet, old man hair line.
Hank also mastered the art of fake crying this month and showed off some lovely tantrums. All of which usually make me smile still!
I wish I had the video on here. You would see that he was laying on his belly, kicking his legs and screaming. All because I took the dog food away. And how, you may ask, do I know when he's fake crying or real crying? The fake crying he can turn off and on with the snap of a finger. One second he is screaming as hard as he can with the saddest look on his face. The next second he is smiling at me and batting his eyelashes. What a ham.
He is ALL boy. He loves banging stuff, throwing stuff, and climbing on stuff. He loves balls and cars. He loves music and likes to dance by either rocking back and forth, waving his hands, or banging his head against something (what a weirdo).
He love the stairs, this is his favorite place to be during the day. And so far he's only fallen down them once... yikes.

He loves being outside. For a long time I tried to avoid this as much as possible because of the mess and the dangers outside, but I finally just let him be and he was so happy. The days when he gets to go outside are his happiest days.
On this particular day it was rainy and 60 degrees outside, but Hank
kept crying to go out, so I finally let him and he played in the cold
rain for a good 45 minutes. Don't know what he loved about it so much,
but a happy baby makes for a happy momma.

On this day I let him out not realizing there was water left in one of our blow up pools. Of course he went right for it and soaked himself immediately. He loves water - the tub, Ruthie's water dish, or leftover rain water stored up in our pools on the deck.
That brown stuff by his mouth- oh, just a little dirt he was munching on before heading over for his second course of sand. Seriously... all boy.

He still loves his thumb and loves to snuggle. Half the time he is so busy body and wants to be into everything, but the other half of the time he wants me to hold him, lay his head on my chest and suck his thumb. Still so precious.

Words are a little hard to make out, but I sometimes think he says mama, dada, woof, dog and all done (which he'll sometimes do with the sign language in his high chair). These are all pretty spotty, but there are times when he seems he's making the sounds in the right context.
SLEEP: Half of this month Hank slept great, giving me two 1.5-2 hour naps and 12 hours at night. The other half of the month (which is the state we are currently in) he has been giving me two 1hr-1hr 15min naps and has been waking early in the mornings (before 7am). I wouldn't mind this schedule so much except for the fact that he will often go down screaming (not like him at all) and wake up screaming. And when I say screaming, I mean crying as hard as possible. So I know he's not well rested. And when he's awake he's been pretty fussy too. He'll cry in the car seat and not play as well by himself. Not sure why this is happening... guessing it's just a phase, so hoping it passes soon! Naps are usually at 9:30am and 1:30/2pm and Bedtime is still 7pm.
I think this lack of sleep has made him pretty cranky, but he still continues to be a pretty happy baby overall. People still always comment on how happy he is and think it's weird when he fusses. I think part of it is that he's starting to get a little bored/manipulative with me, so he's putting on his best behavior for other people. And he loves playing in new places, so he doesn't think as much about fussing when we are away from home.
EAT: Hank is still nursing 4 times per day and still seems in to it. He also will take a bottle fine, and we actually made it a whole weekend apart with me pumping and Ben giving him a bottle while I was gone. This was pretty exciting for me because I was never able to do this while Lucy was still nursing, but I had pumped enough in advance with Hank to have that freedom. He eats pretty well. Again he seems to have good eating weeks and weeks where it seems he is only eating crackers and bread. I try not to stress too much about it but I find myself caught between not creating a picky eater, but also making sure he's getting enough calories.
Seriously can not believe how much I love this little guy and am loving staying home with the two of them. We have our bad moments, but that is all it is. Moments. My days are full of joy, laughter, purpose, and meaning. I am so thankful I get to be home with Hank and Lucy.
New this month - Hank started standing on his own really well, going from sitting to standing with no support, and took 2-3 steps at a time (all ending in a crash landing unless there was something for him to grab on to). I wouldn't officially say that he is walking (although yesterday he took 5 steps in a row) but he is almost there!
Hank also mastered the art of fake crying this month and showed off some lovely tantrums. All of which usually make me smile still!
I wish I had the video on here. You would see that he was laying on his belly, kicking his legs and screaming. All because I took the dog food away. And how, you may ask, do I know when he's fake crying or real crying? The fake crying he can turn off and on with the snap of a finger. One second he is screaming as hard as he can with the saddest look on his face. The next second he is smiling at me and batting his eyelashes. What a ham.
He is ALL boy. He loves banging stuff, throwing stuff, and climbing on stuff. He loves balls and cars. He loves music and likes to dance by either rocking back and forth, waving his hands, or banging his head against something (what a weirdo).
He loves being outside. For a long time I tried to avoid this as much as possible because of the mess and the dangers outside, but I finally just let him be and he was so happy. The days when he gets to go outside are his happiest days.
On this day I let him out not realizing there was water left in one of our blow up pools. Of course he went right for it and soaked himself immediately. He loves water - the tub, Ruthie's water dish, or leftover rain water stored up in our pools on the deck.
That brown stuff by his mouth- oh, just a little dirt he was munching on before heading over for his second course of sand. Seriously... all boy.
He still loves his thumb and loves to snuggle. Half the time he is so busy body and wants to be into everything, but the other half of the time he wants me to hold him, lay his head on my chest and suck his thumb. Still so precious.
Words are a little hard to make out, but I sometimes think he says mama, dada, woof, dog and all done (which he'll sometimes do with the sign language in his high chair). These are all pretty spotty, but there are times when he seems he's making the sounds in the right context.
SLEEP: Half of this month Hank slept great, giving me two 1.5-2 hour naps and 12 hours at night. The other half of the month (which is the state we are currently in) he has been giving me two 1hr-1hr 15min naps and has been waking early in the mornings (before 7am). I wouldn't mind this schedule so much except for the fact that he will often go down screaming (not like him at all) and wake up screaming. And when I say screaming, I mean crying as hard as possible. So I know he's not well rested. And when he's awake he's been pretty fussy too. He'll cry in the car seat and not play as well by himself. Not sure why this is happening... guessing it's just a phase, so hoping it passes soon! Naps are usually at 9:30am and 1:30/2pm and Bedtime is still 7pm.
I think this lack of sleep has made him pretty cranky, but he still continues to be a pretty happy baby overall. People still always comment on how happy he is and think it's weird when he fusses. I think part of it is that he's starting to get a little bored/manipulative with me, so he's putting on his best behavior for other people. And he loves playing in new places, so he doesn't think as much about fussing when we are away from home.
EAT: Hank is still nursing 4 times per day and still seems in to it. He also will take a bottle fine, and we actually made it a whole weekend apart with me pumping and Ben giving him a bottle while I was gone. This was pretty exciting for me because I was never able to do this while Lucy was still nursing, but I had pumped enough in advance with Hank to have that freedom. He eats pretty well. Again he seems to have good eating weeks and weeks where it seems he is only eating crackers and bread. I try not to stress too much about it but I find myself caught between not creating a picky eater, but also making sure he's getting enough calories.
Seriously can not believe how much I love this little guy and am loving staying home with the two of them. We have our bad moments, but that is all it is. Moments. My days are full of joy, laughter, purpose, and meaning. I am so thankful I get to be home with Hank and Lucy.
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