Tuesday, September 20, 2011

3D Pictures with Hank

Last week we were lucky and got another glimpse of our little guy at a 3D ultrasound. I switched practices from when I had Lucy and so far have really enjoyed the new practice and new doctor I am seeing, and to top it all off, they offer their patients a free 3D ultrasound at 30 weeks... pretty sweet!

Hank wasn't being super cooperative, so the pictures didn't turn out great, but you can definitely make out some more distinguishable features on the 3D ultrasound versus the regular one.

On the below two, you can see his hands are up next to his cheek...

And here's a little more of a profile shot...

We also had her check to confirm again that it's a boy... and he is! So we are feeling confident about the clothing/nursery colors we've picked out :)

The day before I had a regular 30 week appointment that I took Lucy to. While the doctor was listening to the baby's heart beat I asked Lucy who we were listening to and she shouted out "Hanky!"... it was pretty precious. We talk about "Hanky" all the time these days (like last weekend when we toured the hospital and she called it "Hanky's home"), but I still think Luc has no idea what's in store. I do think she's going to love this guy so much and I can't wait to see her as a big sister, but I also wonder what she will think of having to share mommy... I guess only time will tell!

1 comment:

  1. those 3D pictures are awesome! can't wait to see the little guy in person!
