Monday, March 26, 2012

Thankful on Mondays

I have not been good at doing this. Not good at all. But I need to do this - I have been having a lot of irritating, "why me?" moments lately so I really need this space to count my blessings and remember all I have to be thankful for. Not all that I am frustrated about!

So even though I haven't done this every Monday, I'm still going to try to do it as often as possible!

Lucy's thankful for:
1. Hanky
2. JJ
3. Jordyn

This girl loves her cousins (and brother of course!) She asks to pray for them every night, which is a good reminder for me to. I'm so glad we live near them and get to see them a lot - now we just need to get Addy Jo and Hastle (Lucy's cousins on Ben's side) to move home!

I'm thankful for:
1. Family and friends that celebrated Lucy's birthday with us and showered Lucy with love.
2. A fun weekend with friends - dinner and the IU game on Friday,

(Hank and Lucy getting psyched for the game)

shopping with girlfriends Saturday morning, a mall play date Saturday afternoon,

(Lucy and Ben riding the mall train)

a wedding on Saturday night and dinner with our Bible study on Sunday night. Busy, but all fun things with people we love.
3. A daughter who finally pooped 4 times today! (I know that's odd to be thankful for but she had gone 5 days without pooping and I had been praying for this... ugh more to come on that in a later post!)

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